Indiana Family Law Specialization

The goal of the Family Law Certification program is to recognize attorneys who have achieved a level of experience and expertise in family law and to advance professionalism and civility in this area of practice. Certified specialists exceed basic proficiency and demonstrate extraordinary knowledge and skill, strengthening the practice of law and enhancing the state’s legal profession. The program is administered by the Family Law Certification Board, which seeks to develop and improve the professional competence of lawyers in the area of family law.

In order to be certified, an attorney must:

  • have passed an exam in the area of family law
  • meet practice and continuing education requirements
  • receive favorable evaluations by other attorneys and judges familiar with the attorney’s work in the area of family law

Expansive knowledge

Resolution Focused


Competent Lawyers

Areas of Expertise

Choose an Area for a List of Attorneys

Areas of Expertise - Arbitration


Areas of Expertise - Adoption


Areas of Expertise - Child Custody

Child custody

Areas of Expertise - Children in Need of Services

Children in Need of Services

Areas of Expertise - Child Support

Child Support

Areas of Expertise - Modification of Support

Child Support Modification and Enforcement

Areas of Expertise - Child Visitation

Child Visitation

Areas of Expertise - Contempt and/or Enforcement Proceedings

Contempt and/or Enforcement Proceedings

Areas of Expertise - Division of Property

Division of Property

Areas of Expertise - Divorce


Areas of Expertise - Grandparents' Rights

Grandparents’ Rights

Areas of Expertise - Guardian ad Litem

Guardian ad Litem

Areas of Expertise - Juvenile delinquency and dependency proceedings

Juvenile Delinquency and Dependency Proceedings

Areas of Expertise - Legal Separation

Legal Separation

Areas of Expertise - Mediation


Areas of Expertise - Mediation and/or Negotiation of Family Law Disputes

Mediation and/or Negotiation of Family Law Disputes

Areas of Expertise - Modification of Support

Modification of Support

Areas of Expertise - Parenting Coordinator

Parenting Coordinator

Areas of Expertise - Paternity


Areas of Expertise - Pre-nuptial agreements

Pre-nuptial Agreements

Areas of Expertise - Post-nuptial agreements

Post-nuptial Agreements

Areas of Expertise - Psychological and Counseling

Psychological and Counseling

aspects of dissolution of marriage

Areas of Expertise - Restraining Orders-Protective Orders

Restraining Orders/Protective Orders

Areas of Expertise - Spousal Maintenance

Spousal Maintenance

Areas of Expertise - Taxation Issues

Taxation Issues

incident to dissolution of marriage

Areas of Expertise - Visitation


Interested in becoming a specialist?

The Family Law Certification Board will be offering the certification exam on November 6, 2021. If you are interested in applying to sit for the exam, please complete an application form and submit it via mail or electronically.

Certified Family Law Specialists